At Vipconsultant. we believe, that you deserve the best quality of services for your money, and that is one of the reasons that we established special online communication toll where you can find latest information regarding offshore industry and many answers to your questions. If you will not find appropriate answer, we will be more than happy to help you one of the contact channels. We will together find best solution that will satisfy your requirements.
Vipconsultant can assist you with:
- Incorporation of offshore and onshore companies
- Establishment of onshore and offshore LLCs
- Registration of offshore trusts
- Registration of offshore private and charity foundations
- Opening of offshore personal and corporate bank accounts
- Opening of offshore merchant accounts for accepting payments by debit and credit cards
- Licenses for crypto business, exchanges, IPOs, mining, wallets
- Licenses for gaming, poker, casino, betting, gambling business
- Complete solutions for running offshore banks including correspondent accounts
- Complete solutions for running offshore mutual funds, KYC policies
- Solutions and licenses for offshore insurance companies, captive insurance licenses
- Solutions and licenses for running brokerage, forex, binary trading businesses
- Solutions for running e-wallets, payment processing, card issuing
Most popular offshore solutions:
New Zealand Finance Company, as a Financial Service Provider (FSP), duly registered and licensed in New Zealand for as deposit taker, broking services, an issuer of securities to the public, keeping, investing, administering, or managing money, securities, or investment portfolios on behalf of other persons etc.
Costa Rican gambling license and all services related to starting successful online casino, sportsbook or poker site.
New Zealand OFC is low cost alternative for offering banking services to clients worldwide.
Last 5 orders:
Seychelles IBC with account in Latvia
Slovenian trading company
Offshore car registration
Malta gambling license for sportbook
Curacao gambling sublicense